Thursday, September 21, 2017

Moral Culpability/ The order follower

Moral Culpability is the determination of who is ultimately at fault, or deserving of blame, for the commission of actions which resulted in harm or loss to others. The order follower bears more moral culpability than the order giver, they are the one who actually performed the action. This action brought physical harm into physical manifestation. Order-following inhibits your free will as a person, it also the pathway to certain evils that exist in our world. Order followers may not be calling the shots, but they are the ones seeing them through. Which makes them responsible for the chaos that it spews. It's a totalitarian regime that still is applied today.   


Image result for lifting of the veil

Enlightenment is the process of releasing all that no longer serves you, the lies, the fallacies, and materialism. When people think of the Apocalypse they have the end of the world in mind. What it was seen as before the end of world scare was the lifting of the veil, meaning the disclosure of knowledge. the end times are here, but it isn't what we thought it would be.

The journey

the knowledge we seek is merely a tool that can be used to uplift humanity or control it. Meaning everything you inspire to do either creates or destroys. So the question is what impact do you wish to leave on society, would you like to have been the one who uplifted or the one who disregarded. the things we say and do are not only reinforced upon ourselves, but also upon those around us. so when you spew negativity it inflicts you and has the potentially inflict those around you as well. Karma is cause and effect, there is a consciousness which manifests the outcome of all actions in your life.  it's potent to know within yourself.  He who fights monsters should ensure that he does not become one as well.  
Image result for road ahead quotes

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Inner Peace

Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise or trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst those things and still be calm in your heart. Whatever comes your way find peace in it, accept what is and what isn't. there's no need to be overzealous about something little that will not matter in a few years.  When you find peace in all that goes on around and in your own actions that's  when you obtain true freedom.  " the ego says I shouldn't have to suffer and that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is a distortion of the truth, which is always paradoxical. the truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it" - Eckhart tolle.  You can't expect to grow if you're not challenged, you have to leave your comfort zone sometime.


Omnism is simply the idea that there is a certain value or significance to all religions. There are many different  omnists who  hold different belief systems such as a christian omnist or even a abstract  omnist. My type of omnism branches from atheism and knowledge of sacred texts. Before I discovered this I was a dedicated christian not to long ago. The idea of an all knowing deity just does not do it for me. I try to stay open minded though, I think you can learn a lot from the perceptions of others. Plus at the end of the day we're all looking for that ultimate truth, whether we see it in a form of a god or just cosmic energy. I believe spirituality begins with the soul. With that being said I think we hall have distinctive paths we take, which gives more reason to explore the options.  We are all cosmic beings who are currently having a human experience, meaning we're here to learn and master things for when death approaches and our consciousness expands out into the depths of the universe and to our next excursion wherever that may be. I don't look at death as an ending, I see it as the beginning of something new where you take what you have learned from this lifetime into the next. so in a way our soul never dies, we're just constantly changing in our everyday life,daily change can slip by you with ease if you don't recognize the signs.  In a lot of ways when we dream we die, not in the physical, but our consciousness leaves the body and our ego is left behind. so in a way we experience the wonders of the universe nightly. One thing to keep in mind as you live your life, is to remember there is a sacred force that guides you, whether you want to call it god or just your higher intuition.  Don't underestimate the power of the heart and brain, whatever you manifest upon becomes real in your perception.

Monday, September 18, 2017


We'll start with mentalism, in mentalism the all is mind. The universe is mental, thoughts lead to the manifestation of things and events. Thoughts create our state of existence and the quality of our experience here on earth, therefore, be responsible for all you create by being responsible for everything you think.  Life is an echo, what you send out comes back. hat you sow, you reap. What you give, you get.  What you see others, exists in you.   Paradise is not a place or location you go to, it's a state of mind you can achieve at any time by just choosing to do so.  so it's crucial  to speak as if it's already accomplished.   it's also best to stray away from materialistic desires, they don't give you any internal benefit. It's important to have direction, because many are going nowhere fast and they're not even aware of it.  Direction is simply listening to intuition when it speaks in a metaphorical sense.   Intuition is your common sense or higher self personified.  The goal of being conscious is to reach full enlightenment, this can be achieved through knowledge of self otherwise known as meditation.  Meditation can be done in many forms, in meditation you balance focus and relaxation simultaneously.  The idea is to go beyond reflexive thinking into a deeper state of being or awareness.


Ok so anarchy  is when authority is replaced with a social organization  with a set of principles. This includes direct democracy, self organization, voluntary association,  freedom, mutual  aid, egalitarinism etc. It combines the best parts of liberalism with the best parts of communism. It rejects a capitalistic economy and governing by the means of a representative democracy. So basically it mixes individual freedom with an equal society. It also implies a land where there is no master ruler, or government.